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WidowBerry Frost Auto(fem) 5pk

WidowBerry Frost Auto(fem) 5pk

She isn’t very high in THC when compared to others that have been selectively bred to offer vast quantities of the cannabinoid. This makes it a light, relaxing and casual smoke that is functional. It’s the kind of strain that can be consumed all day long throughout numerous activities without plunging the user into an overwhelming state that other stronger strains may cause. The high itself carries both indica and sativa elements in a rather even split. The sativa elements create a relaxing and thought provoking head high that is perfect for sitting down to work on creative endeavours. The indica elements of the high produce a body high that is very calming and relaxing, making WidowBerry Frost is a great strain to burn up in the evening and before bed.

White WidowF4 Auto x Faded BlueBerry.

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